
At the Endeavour Federation, we follow an adapted National Curriculum, with wellbeing central to everything we do. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, with all pupils having the opportunity to study Maths and English up to GCSE level with a range of BTEC/GCSE options in other subjects. The study of these subjects allows pupils to apply theoretical knowledge to the practical elements of the curriculum.

At the Federation schools, emotional wellbeing and the daily study of PSHCE, underpin the academic curriculum; supporting pupils to manage their emotions and get them ready for learning. Daily mindfulness sessions and ‘pupil check-ins’, develop their emotional vocabulary and self-awareness. Pupils are encouraged to develop a growth mind-set, taking on new challenges and learning from them, thus increasing their abilities and achievements, whilst overcoming previous negative experiences in education; becoming the best versions of themselves.

At Key Stage 3, there is a strong emphasis on improving literacy; developing phonic knowledge, vocabulary acquisition and improving reading skills which all support the academic curriculum, allowing pupils to successfully access the ever-growing demands of secondary education.

An Outdoor Education Programme which links with areas of PE, is also delivered, supporting the pupils in team work, cooperation and building their own confidence and self-esteem. Our curriculum, aims to develop the pupils’ abilities to cope in the wider world and sustain employment.

The Personalised Education Team (PET) offers a bespoke curriculum path for the most complex of pupils. The programme of study includes additional access to vocational courses, which provide accreditations and experience relevant to their Post-16 career choices.

Our ambition is for all pupils, to be given opportunities that will develop their understanding of how to be successful in 21st Century Britain, allowing them to have the same experiences and opportunities as their mainstream counterparts. A well-planned enrichment programme allows pupils to explore activities beyond the classroom. They can choose to develop many skills including: learning to swim, climb, ice skate, play a musical instrument or further their exploration and enjoyment of cooking and art, our Enrichment programme is frequently reviewed to suit the interests and needs of the current pupil cohort.

Across the Federation schools, ‘My Endeavour Days’ address issues in the community and wider world; work around charities, cultural awareness, health issues and the environment, develop pupils’ understanding and encourage outward looking thought processes and good citizenship. Our school council gives elected pupils the opportunity to learn how to express their views in a professional way, as well as understanding how they can make a positive influence to school life and the wider world.

A comprehensive programme of: Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks of good practice (DfE- Careers Strategy 12.17) help pupils make informed and aspirational career decisions. Our programme includes exposure to the workplace and their employees, the full range of Post-16 learning provisions and access to personal guidance and planning. We ensure that our pupils all have realistic plans in place, to take their first step towards employment on leaving school.

We believe in all our pupils and have high expectations for their futures. A comprehensive package of both pastoral and learning support, delivered by highly trained staff, allows them to navigate their learning journeys and improve their life outcomes.

For more information about each school in the Endeavour Federation, click the links below:
Castlefield Campus
Meade Hill
Southern Cross

For more information about the Curriculum, contact the relevant school.